
Friday, 15 August 2014

Day 13: rest day 3 in Arcachon

Just a small amount of rain overnight and we were able to eat breakfast outside this morning. The weather brightened up to be a beautiful day with only the occasional white cloud. This is what we had all been hoping for on our last R&R day. We spent a couple of hours by the pool in the morning, headed back to the tent for lunch where I had to pick 3 large splinters out of Emily's bottom where she had been sliding around by the pool! She was very brave as there was a lot of digging around with a needle and tweezers! We then headed back for our last time to enjoy the water, sun and our books. Showers followed by tea. We had massive homemade strawberry meringues for pudding which we picked up in an Arcachon bakery yesterday. Yum!
Up early tomorrow to pack up everything and get to the station in plenty of time for the train to Bordeaux. Let's hope they let us all on!

Tom enjoying the slide

Messing around in the pool

Our last campsite meal

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